Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

asal usul bijuu dan jinchuriki

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Asal Usul Bijuu dan Jinchuriki

Jinchuuriki (人柱力, yang berarti host atau tuan rumah) adalah sebutan bagi orang-orang yang dijadikan inang oleh Bijuu. Jinchuuriki memiliki kemampuan unik untuk menyatu dengan bijuu dan menggunakan kekuatannya. Rata-rata mereka dikucilkan oleh masyarakat ditempat mereka tinggal. Ini disebabkan oleh ketakutan masyarakat tersebut akan bahaya bijuu yang berdiam didalam diri mereka. Padahal, mereka sudah menjadi pahlawan di desa mereka dengan merelakkan tubuh mereka dimasukkan bijuu untuk mencegah penghancuran dan pengrusakkan yang akan terjadi apabila itu tidak dilaksanakan.

Para jinchuuriki ini kebanyakan memiliki ciri fisik yang menyerupai bijuu yang disegel dalam tubuh mereka. Seperti Yugito yang memiliki mata yang meruncing, gaara yang memiliki garis mata akibat insomnia, Dan bentuk seperti kumis di pipi Naruto. Para bijuu yang mendiami jinchuuriki akan membagi sebanyak mungkin chakra yang mereka miliki, agar jinchuuriki yang mereka diami tidak mati. Karena jika jinchuurikinya mati, maka sang bijuu di dalamnya juga akan mati. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa jika bijuu dalam diri Jinchuuriki diambil paksa maka, jinchuuriki itu akan mati.

Kehidupan, sifat, dan karakteristik

Para jinchuuriki ini seperti Naruto, memiliki masa kecil yang tidak mengenakkan. Seperti gaara, dia dijauhi lingkungan sekitarnya, dianggap monster, bahkan dia berkali-kali coba dibunuh oleh ayahnya sendiri. Karena takut akan kekuatan yang ada dalam diri gaara. Naruto juga mengalami hal yang hampir serupa, hanya saja dia bertemu orang-orang yang mengajaknya berteman dan mengeluarkannya dari dasar kesedihan. Para jinchuuriki ini juga merupakan incaran Akatsuki, yang mengincar bijuu yang ada dalam diri mereka. Mereka mengincar ini untuk menguasai dunia.

Para Jinchuuriki kerap memiliki kelainan mental akibat bijuu yang mendiami tubuhnya. Seperti Gaara yang menderita insomnia, dan hasrat membunuh yang berlebihan akibat perlakuan lingkungan pada dirinya.

Daftar Jinchuuriki

Berikut adalah daftar jinchuuriki yang sudah diketahui identitasnya:

Naruto Uzumaki
Asal Desa : Konohagakure
Bijuu : Kyuubi si ekor sembilan
Kemampuan : Regenerasi, Chakra tak terbatas
Status Bijuu : Aktif
Ditangkap oleh : Pain sudah mencoba tapi gagal

Yugito Nii
Asal Desa : Kumogakure
Bijuu : Nekomata si ekor dua
Kemampuan : Melontar api dari mulutnya
Status Bijuu : Diserap
Ditangkap oleh: Kakuzu dan Hidan

Asal Desa : Sunagakure
Bijuu : Shukaku si ekor satu
Kemampuan : Jutsu2 suna, jutsu angin, manipulasi pasir
Status Bijuu : Diserap
Ditangkap oleh : Deidara

Killer Bee
Asal Desa : Kumogakure
Bijuu : Ushi-Oni si ekor delapan
Kemampuan : Melontarkan Chakra berupa bulatan besar
Status Bijuu :Diserap, tetapi palsu
Ditangkap oleh : Sasuke dan Hydro

Asal Desa : Iwagakure
Bijuu : Yonbi si ekor empat
Kemampuan : menyemburkan gas beracun dan mengendalikan elemen lava
Status Bijuu :Diserap
Ditangkap oleh : Kisame Hoshigaki

Asal Desa :Kirigakure
Bijuu : Sanbi si ekor tiga
Kemampuan :memanipulasi air
Status Bijuu :hidup bebas,diserap
Ditangkap oleh : Deidara dan Tobi

Asal Desa : Takigakure
Bijuu : Nanabi si ekor tujuh
Kemampuan : ???
Status bijuu : diserap
Ditangkap oleh :???

o Asal Desa : Iwagakure
o Bijuu : Gobi si ekor lima
o Kemampuan : mengendalikan 5 elemen (air,api,angin,petir,tanah)
o Status Bijuu : Diserap
Ditangkap oleh : ???

Asal Desa : Kirigakure
Bijuu : Rokubi si ekor enam
Kemampuan : dapat mengeluarkan gelembung???
Status : diserap
Ditangkap oleh : Akatsuki



Nama : Yagura.
Asal : Chigiri no Sato (Kirigakure).
Debut : Chapter 459

Yagura (やぐら) adalah Yondaime Mizukage serta inang dari Sanbi ekor tiga. Selama waktunya sebagai Mizukage, sampai pembantaian Mahasiswa Akademi oleh Zabuza Momochi muda, desa ini dikenal sebagai "Village of the Bloody Mist" (血霧の里, Chigiri no Sato), sebagian besar disebabkan karena tempat ritual biadab mahasiswa akademi membunuh satu sama lain untuk kelulusan. Kemungkinan besar adalah Zabuza yang mencoba membunuh Yagura Mizukage.
Info : Lihat juga Yondaime Mizukage disini

Sanbi no Kyodaigame
Nama : Sanbi no Kyodaigame
Asal : Kirigakure.
Debut : chapter 317 / Shippuden episode 72.

Sanbi (三尾の巨大亀, Sanbi no Kyodaigame) adalah Bijuu berbuntut 3. Bentuknya adalah Kura-kura Raksasa. Sanbi pernah terkurung di dalam Yagura & Yuukimaru. Kini Sanbi telah berada di Gedo Mazo. Tidak di ketahui mengapa Sanbi lepas dari Yagura. Menurut Deidara Sanbi mempunyai kecepatan yang tinggi, namun dia bodoh karena tidak mempunyai inang.

Jinchuutiki tambahan

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgUcpaMwf90pJ6GatPdAH3W5R7jx2ckp142xdEI90BS1frhEGWGVSwSgO97uSj_mwB9acCK4liCO1uhyenaBPyjibMsUbjZYG7eqkYpkLgJXTBHDcciZYEfyUPa5k-UHVCVixvMyWdptRYk/s400/yuukimaru.jpgNama : Yuukimaru.
Asal : Otogakure.
Debut : Shippuden episode 90.

Yūkimaru adalah anak laki-laki yang tenang dan lembut, mungkin karena masa lalunya. Dia terus-menerus mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan seperti "Apakah akan menyenangkan?" Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menemukan rumah, dan diberitahu oleh Naruto bahwa rumah adalah tempat di mana orang berpikir tentang Anda, yang meringankan jiwanya.

Yugito Nii

Yugito Nii

Nama : Yugito Nii.
Arti : Yugito : ???, Nii : tempat ke 2.
Asal : Kumogakure.
Rank : Jounin.
Debut : chapter 312/Shippuden episode 71.
Element : Api

Yugito Nii (二位ユギト, Nii Yugito) adalah seorang kunoichi dari Kumogakure. Nibi monster kucing berekor dua, di segel ke tubuh Yugito. Namum, sepertinya keadaan Yugito tidak sama seperti Gaara & Naruto yang di kucilkan. Yugito sepertinya tidak mempunyai masalah dengan masyarakat Kumogakure. Seperti kata Yugito kepada Kakuzu & Hidan, "Aku adalah orang terkuat kedua di Kumogakure". Apakah mungkin Yugito lebih kuat dari pada Killer bee ???. Yugito bisa dengan mudah mengontrol kekuatan Nibi seperti keinginannya.

Nibi no Bakeneko

Two-Tailed Monster CatNama : Nibi no Bakeneko.
Arti : Nibi : ekor 2, Bakeneko : kucing iblis di mitologi Jepang.
Asal : Kumogakure.
Rank : Bijuu.
Debut : chapter 313/Shippuden episode 72.
Element : Api.

Nibi no Bakeneko (ニ尾の化け猫, Nibi no Bakeneko) adalah Bijuu berbentuk Kucing. Dalam mitologi Jepang, Nibi adalah peliharaan dewa kematian & dia mendapat makan dari roh orang mati. Nibi tersegel di tubuh Yugito, namun Yugito tidak mendapat masalah seperti Gaara & Naruto yang di kucilkan oleh masyarakat desanya.


Bijuu bijū (尾獣?) adalah sembilan monster berekor dalam kisah fiksi Naruto karya Masashi Kishimoto. Selain dalam Naruto, Bijuu juga eksis dalam legenda Jepang. Makhluk-makhluk ini diceritakan memiliki ukuran tubuh yang sangat besar dan memiliki jumlah ekor yang berbeda-beda sehingga mereka dapat dibagi berdasarkan jumlah ekornya. Selain ukuran tubuhnya, mereka juga memiliki jumlah chakra dalam jumlah yang sangat besar. Umumnya mereka adalah makhluk setengah dewa dan ditakuti masyarakat, tetapi dalam Naruto beberapa di antaranya tidak memiliki inteligensia yang memadai yang diperlukan untuk menggunakan chakra miliknya.
Semua Bijuu yang disegel dalam tubuh manusia disebut Jinchuuriki (人柱力, yang berarti host atau tuan rumah) dan memberikan kekuatan besar kepadanya. Istilah Jinchuuriki sendiri hanya digunakan di dalam dunia Naruto. Bahkan dalam beberapa kasus, seorang Jinchuuriki memiliki kekuatan yang lebih besar daripada Bijuu yang ada di dalam tubuhnya. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena mereka memiliki kemampuan untuk mengontrol kekuatan Bijuu secara efektif, sementara beberapa Bijuu tidak memiliki kemampuan itu.
Para Jinchuuriki biasanya memiliki ciri-ciri fisik yang menyerupai Bijuu yang disegel dalam tubuhnya. Gaara, misalnya, memiliki kemiripan di warna rambut dan lingkar matanya yang seperti Shukaku, hitam. Yugito pula memiliki mata yang melancip seperti kucing. Dan tentu saja Naruto yang memiliki tanda seperti kumis di sekitar pipinya dan mata seperti seekor serigala/rubah. Menurut pendapat Akatsuki, mereka yang menjadi Jinchuuriki biasanya kekurangan kasih sayang dalam hidupnya, dan sejauh ini dalam cerita Naruto, pendapat mereka benar. Ketika Bijuu berekor satu (Shukaku) dan Bijuu berekor dua (Nekomata) mereka tangkap, tidak ada seorangpun yang peduli akan hal tersebut; bahkan, mereka bersyukur karena tak ada lagi Jinchuuriki, yang mereka anggap sebagai "orang berbahaya", di desa mereka. Diketahui, kematian Jinchuuriki dapat menyebabkan kematian Bijuu yang ada di dalam tubuhnya, sehingga Bijuu sekuat tenaga membantu menjaga agar Jinchuurikinya tidak tewas dengan membagi chakra mereka ketika Jinchuuriki dalam keadaan bahaya. Diketahui juga bahwa pencabutan Bijuu dari tubuh Jinchuuriki dapat mengakibatkan kematian bagi Jinchuuriki tersebut.

Daftar isi

Sembilan ekor bijuu

Semasa perang besar antar desa ninja, masing-masing desa berlomba-lomba mendapatkan Bijuu yang ada di masing-masing negara. Kekuatan chakra Bijuu yang amat besar diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kekuatan militer negara tersebut.
Dalam alur cerita yang masih berjalan hingga saat ini, Akatsuki sedang mengumpulkan kesembilan Bijuu ini. Mereka melakukan hal ini untuk mendapatkan cakra dari para bijuu. Terutama Kyuubi. Karena Kyuubi memiliki cakra tidak terbatas. Mereka menangkap Jinchuuriki dan membawa mereka ke tempat rahasia di mana Fuin jutsu (Naruto)#Sealing Technique: Illusionary Dragon Nine Consuming Seals|Fuin Justu, jutsu penyegelan Bijuu dilakukan untuk mengeluarkan Bijuu dari tubuh Jinchuurikinya. Sampai saat ini sudah tujuh Bijuu yang mereka dapatkan; Shukaku atau Ichibi, Nekomata atau Nibi, Sanbi, Yonbi, Gobi, Rokubi, Nanabi. Berarti hanya tinggal dua Bijuu lagi yang belum Akatsuki dapatkan, yaitu Kyuubi dan Ushi-oni atau Hachibi. oleh karena itu, pada naruto manga bab 419, Akatsuki menurunkan Pein untuk menangkap Naruto di desa Konohagakure.

Ichibi no Shukaku

  • Nama: Shukaku si ekor satu (一尾守鶴 Ichibi no Shukaku?) atau Shukaku dari padang pasir (砂の守鶴 Suna no Shukaku?)
  • Jenis: Tanuki (Anjing rakun atau raccoon-dog dalam bahasa Inggris, binatang asli Jepang dan beberapa daerah di sekitarnya)
  • Jinchuuriki: Gaara, kemudian diambil alih oleh Akatsuki
  • Kemampuan khusus: Menembakkan meriam angin yang terkonsentrasi menggunakan chakra
  • Status: Ditangkap dan diserap oleh Akatsuki
Shukaku diberi gelar dewa angin oleh orang Jepang zaman dulu. Dulunya dia adalah pendeta yang terkena badai pasir. Dia lalu berubah bentuk menjadi luak berekor satu dan mengandalkan jutsu angin sebagai serangannya. Dalam manga dan anime Naruto dia disegel dalam tubuh Gaara dan menggunakan jiwa ibu kandung Gaara sebagai tumbalnya. Suna pernah memiliki dua Jinchuuriki sebelum Gaara, tetapi keduanya tewas setelah Shukaku dikeluarkan dari tubuh mereka. Shukaku sangat pintar tetapi bertingkah seperti layaknya orang mabuk. Kata "Shukaku" sendiri dapat berarti "mabuk" dalam bahasa Jepang. Seperti Bijuu yang lain, sifat pemarah dan haus darah Jinchuuriki dapat membuatnya terpancing untuk keluar dan menghancurkan apa yang ada di sekitarnya.

Gaara Jinchuuriki dari Shukaku.
Sebagai Jinchuuriki, Gaara memiliki kemampuan untuk mengendalikan dan mengontrol pasir, dan dilindungi setiap saat oleh perisai pasir, tetapi dia harus menderita insomnia seumur hidupnya akibat efek samping yang didapatkannya. Garaa tak akan pernah bisa tidur karena ketika dia tidur, Shukaku akan menguasai tubuh dan pikirannya.
Ketika marah atau timbul nafsu membunuh, Gaara dapat berubah menjadi sesosok monster seukuran tubuh manusia dengan cara menutupi seluruh tubuhnya dengan pasir. Selain mengubah bentuk tubuhnya, pasir-pasir ini juga meningkatkan pertahanan fisik dan chakra Gaara secara drastis. Dalam bentuk Shukaku, Gaara mendapatkan kekuatan yang besar, pertahanan yang kuat, dan kemampuan untuk menggunakan shuriken pasir.
Dia juga dapat mengontrol pasir dan dapat menggunakannya secara lebih efektif dan bertenaga daripada ketika ia berwujud manusia. Kelemahannya, transformasi ke bentuk monster ini berjalan cukup lambat dan sulit dilakukan jika tidak ada hal yang benar-benar memancing emosi Gaara. Sampai saat ini, Gaara telah mencoba dua kali mengubah tubuhnya ke bentuk Shukaku dan keduanya gagal mencapai ke bentuk sempurna; pertama ketika ujian Chuunin dilakukan. Saat itu Sasuke berhasil melukainya sebelum ia sempat mencapai bentuk sempurna. Yang kedua, ketika ia melawan Naruto di hutan; Naruto mengalahkannya ketika Gaara baru berhasil menutupi seluruh tubuhnya kecuali bagian kaki.
Dalam situasi yang membahayakan, Gaara dapat menciptakan replika Shukaku berukuran aslinya dari pasir. Tidak seperti Shukaku berukuran manusia, replika ini dapat diciptakan dalam waktu singkat. Gaara mengontrol replika dari dalam, sehingga tubuhnya terlindungi dari serangan musuh. Dalam bentuk ini, Gaara dapat melepaskan jiwa Shukaku yang ada dalam tubuhnya, dan memasukkannya ke dalam tubuh replika Shukaku. Untuk melakukannya, Gaara harus keluar dari replika Shukaku, lalu tidur di atas kepala replika tersebut. Tetapi sebagai akibatnya, Gaara menjadi lebih mudah diserang. Ketika dia bangun, maka segelnya akan terlepas dan jiwa Shukaku akan kembali masuk ke dalam dirinya; dan replika Shukaku akan hancur.
Dalam episode "Menyelamatkan Gaara", Akatsuki berhasil menangkap dan mengeluarkan Shukaku dari tubuh Gaara; Gaara pun tewas. Tapi suatu keberuntungan bagi Gaara, dia berhasil dihidupkan kembali dengan kombinasi jurus pembagi-nyawa milik Chiyo dan chakra milik Naruto. Kemampuan Gaara tidak sepenuhnya hilang, walaupun tidak diketahui apakah kekuatannya melemah akibat dikeluarkannya jiwa Shukaku dari tubuhnya.
  • Shukaku memiliki bentuk yang mirip luak, rakun atau panda sehingga kadang-kadang orang-orang sulit membedakannya.
  • Tanuki, seperti Kitsune, adalah makhluk-makhluk mistik dalam mitologi Jepang, dan kadang-kadang keduanya bersaing satu sama lain.
  • Ada sebuah kisah tentang pendeta dan Tanuki yang mengubah diri menjadi ketel teh, yaitu Bunbuku Chagama.

Nibi no Nekomata

  • Nama: kucing setan berbuntut dua (ニ尾の猫俣 Nibi no Bakeneko?), Matatabi (マタタビ)
  • Jenis: Bakeneko[kucing peliharaan Dewa Kematian]
  • Jinchuuriki: Yugito Nii
  • Kemampuan khusus: Kemampuan elemen api
  • Status: Ditangkap oleh Akatsuki
Nibi adalah Bijuu yang berbentuk kucing. Di cerita Naruto, dia disegel dalam tubuh Kunoichi bernama Yugito Nii dari Kumogakure. Nekomata memiliki napas api (Fire Breathing). Nibi akhirnya ditangkap oleh 2 anggota Akatsuki, yaitu Hidan dan Kakuzu.

Sanbi no Kyodaigame

  • Nama: Sanbi si ekor tiga Sanbi (三尾?, Kyodaigame), Isopu (イソプ)
  • Jenis: Makhluk seperti kura-kura
  • Jinchuuriki: Yagura
  • Kemampuan: Elemen Angin
  • Status: Ditangkap oleh Akatsuki
Bijuu berekor tiga ini berbentuk seperti kura-kura dengan kekuatan yang mengerikan. Walaupun begitu, si ekor tiga tidak memiliki kepandaian untuk mengontrol kekuatannya sehingga menurut Deidara, kemampuannya hanya satu tingkat lebih tinggi dari hewan liar biasa.
Kemampuannya adalah menyemburkan elemen angin dengan cepat. Ia memiliki kecepatan bergerak yang tinggi walaupun memiliki tubuh yang besar sebelum akhirnya ditangkap oleh Deidara dan Tobi dari Akatsuki.

Yonbi no Saru

  • Nama: Yonbi no Saru, Son Goku (ソン ゴク)
  • Jenis: Seekor Kera Berwarna merah
  • Jinchuuriki: Seorang kakek yang bernama Roushi
  • Status: Ditangkap oleh Akatsuki
Info: Roushi berisi empat ekor setan, yang mengambil bentuk besar memancarkan lava gorila .. Ia diangkat sebagai Jinchuuriki oleh Iwagakure, pada titik tertentu ia dan desanya berpisah. Ia berkeliling dunia untuk mencoba dan memahami kekuasaan. Ia menggunakan Bijuu untuk menciptakan Youton (Lava Element) Ninjutsu, kombinasi Bumi dan Api Unsur yang menciptakan lava yang dapat mencair melalui apa saja. Dia dikalahkan dalam pertempuran oleh Kisame.

Gobi no Irukauma

Bijuu ini menguasai 5 elemen [air tanah api udara petir].

Rokubi no Namekuji

  • Nama: Rokubi si ekor enam Rokubi (六尾?), Saiken (サイケン)
  • Jenis: Siput
  • Jinchuuriki: Seorang ninja dari Kirigakure bernama Utakata
  • Status: disegel akatsuki
Bijuu ini bersarang di tubuh Utakata. Bijuu ini menguasai elemen Gelembung.

Shichibi no Kabutomushi

  • Nama: Sichibi no kabutomushi, Choumei (チョウメイ), Lucky Seven Choumei
  • Jenis: Sejenis Kumbang Biru yang memiliki tanduk,mempunyai 6 sayap dan 1 sengat di bagian belakang tubuhnya sebagai ekornya
  • Jinchuuriki: Seorang Kunoichi dari desa Takigakure bernama Fuu
  • Status: Ditangkap dan disegel Akatsuki
Bijuu ini bersarang di tubuh Fuu ninja dari Takigakure. Kemampuannya tidak di ketahui.

Hachibi no Ushi Oni

Bijuu ini bersarang di tubuh Killer Bee.

Kyuubi no Yōko

  • Nama: Kyuubi no Yōko (九尾の妖狐), Kurama (クラマ)
  • Jenis: Rubah
  • Jinchuuriki: Uzumaki Naruto
  • Status: Aktif
  • Jumlah ekor: 9 (sembilan)
Kyuubi pernah tersegel di tubuh Uzumaki Mito dan Uzumaki Kushina, ibu Uzumaki Naruto dan menma uzumaki di naruto shippuden the movie 6.


  • Nama: Juubi (十尾)
  • Jenis: Tidak diketahui
  • Jinchuuriki: Tidak ada
  • Status: Dilepaskan dari segel oleh Obito (Sebelumnya dipecah Rikudo Sennin).
  • Jumlah ekor: 10 (sepuluh)
Juubi merupakan wujud asli dari sembilan ekor bijuu. Mahkluk ini dianggap sebagai awal pembentukan dunia dan juga tanda sebagai awal kehancuran dunia. Dia disegel oleh Rikudo Sennin dan cakra dipisah menjadi sembilan bijuu. Namun akhirnya dilepas kembali oleh Obito Uchiha (Madara Uchiha palsu) untuk mencapai rencana Mata Bulan bersama Madara Uchiha Asli yang dibangkitkan oleh Edo Tensei.

kri klewang

Kapal perang pertama yang berlunas banyak di Asia Tenggara, bahkan diklaim sebagai salah satu yang tercanggih di dunia, secara resmi dinamakan KRI Klewang– pedang bermata tunggal tradisional Indonesia berasal dari Pulau Madura– dengan nomor lambung 625. Selain kecanggihan teknologinya, desain kapal juga terbilang radikal karena sisi depannya sangat lancip dan berlunas tiga (trimaran) dengan keseluruhan elemen berbahan dasar infus vinylester karbon fiber. Dengan penggunaan material seperti ini bodi KRI Klewang mampu menginduksi panas sehingga sulit terdeteksi radar (siluman).

Peluncuran kapal perang yang dengan panjang keseluruhan 63 meter itu dilakukan Wakil Asisten Logistik Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut Laksamana Pertama Sayyid Anwar, Bupati Banyuwangi Abdullah Azwar Anas, dan PT Lundin. “Kapal ini pengembangan lanjutan dari riset agar TNI AL tetap diperhitungkan di dunia internasional. Kapal ini sangat canggih dan baru ada di Amerika Serikat dan Indonesia,” kata Laksamana Sayyid Anwar.

KRI Klewang

Dia menjelaskan, KRI Klewang ini dianggarkan dari pengadaan dana sisa devisa anggaran tahun 2009 yang kemudian pengerjaan kapal dilakukan oleh PT Lundin Industry Invest di Banyuwangi. KRI Klewang akan dipersenjatai peluru kendali asal China C-705 yang akan diproduksi di Indonesia dengan jarak tembak hingga 120 kilometer. “Kapal cepat siluman ini yang pertama dengan menggunakan rudal dan berlunas trimaran. Kapal ini tidak bisa terdeteksi oleh radar karena menggunakan bahan khusus salah satunya dari komposit,” ujarnya.

Spesifikasi kapal itu memiliki panjang 63 meter, kecepatan maksimal 35 knot, bobot 53,1 GT, serta mesin utama 4x marine engines MAN nominal 1.800 PK. Saat diluncurkan ke perairan Selat Bali, kondisi pengerjaan KRI Klewang baru selesai 90%. Adapun finalisasinya, termasuk pemasangan peralatan persenjataannya, akan dilakukan di Pangkalan TNI AL Banyuwangi. Pengamat militer dari Universitas Indonesia (UI) Andi Widjajanto menilai peluncuran KRI Klewang yang berjenis kapal cepat rudal merupakan awal yang baik bagi pengembangan kapal modern pada masa mendatang.

Sekarang ini hanya ada beberapa negara yang mampu membuat kapal dengan tiga lambung seperti itu, Amerika Serikat dan Jerman. Karena itu, jumlah kapal berlambung tiga ini juga masih sedikit di dunia, apalagi yang digunakan untuk kapal militer. “Kapal dengan tiga lambung ini menjadi arah pengembangan industri ke depan, dan kita sudah mampu membuatnya,” katanya. Andi menilai, Indonesia perlu mengembangkan kapal seperti ini karena selain mengikuti arah pengembangan kapal modern, kapal jenis ini juga cocok dengan kondisi perairan Indonesia. Kapal ini memiliki stabilitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan kapal-kapal lain yang berlambung satu.

“Ini sangat cocok untuk kondisi perairan dengan gelombang dan angin keras seperti yang ada di Indonesia,” ungkap dia. Meskipun merupakan salah satu kapal modern, kehadiran kapal ini bagi jajaran TNI Angkatan Laut dinilai belum cukup memberi perubahan berarti bagi perimbangan kekuatan dengan negara tetangga.“ Trimaran belum memberi perubahan apa-apa karena kapasitas minim, teknologi, dan tonase kecil,” bebernya. Karena itu, kapal ini perlu dikembangkan lagi pada masa mendatang. Andi menyebut ada beberapa hal yang patut menjadi perhatian dalam pengembangan antara lain dari segi kapasitas tonase.

KRI Klewang

KRI Klewang memiliki tonase yang kecil sehingga menjadi masalah tersendiri karena tak bisa mengangkut amunisi banyak untuk senjata rudal yang dimilikinya. KRI Klewang dilengkapi peluru kendali (rudal) yang standarnya sama dengan kapal perang jenis fregate.“Hanya tonase kecil, masalah utama ada di daya angkut amunisi. Kedepan perlu dikembangkan kapal sejenis dengan kapasitas lebih besar, minimal menyerupai fregate,”tuturnya. Selain itu, pengembangan juga diharapkan menyangkut masalah teknologi yakni membuat kapal menjadi antiradar (stealth).

Amerika Serikat sekarang sudah merancang prototipe yang stealth (siluman). Kalau yang KRI Klewang ini belum stealth, baru andalkan teknologi permukaan saja dan memiliki lambung tiga,”sebut Andi. Untuk bisa membuat kapal antiradar (stealth),dibutuhkan bahan dan teknologi khusus dalam membuatnya. Kapal antiradar berbahan titanium ringan yang proses pembuatannya didesain sedemikian rupa sehingga mampu meminimalisasi irisan radar hingga mendekati nol.

Trimaran Cocok untuk Karakteristik Indonesia

Direktur PT Lundin Industry Invest Lizza Lundin dan John Lundin memaparkan, kapal ini hasil kolaborasi riset, desain, dan pengembangan antara North Sea Boats Pte Ltd/PT Lundin dan arsitek kapal LOMOCean dari Selandia Baru yang dilakukan secara intensif selama 24 bulan. “Hasil kolaborasi tersebut merepresentasikan suatu langkah maju dalam penggunaan teknologi maju di bidang pembuatan kapal perang,” kata Lizza.

Penggunaan bahan baku karbon foam sandwich untuk aplikasi kapal dalam skala yang luas seperti itu suatu hal yang belum pernah dilakukan di luar Skandinavia dan suatu representasi kemutakhiran teknologi di bidang rekayasa struktural dan produksi.Dengan kemampuan stabilitas yang sangat baik dan rancangan lambung yang dangkal, kapal ini didesain untuk berpatroli di pesisir yang panjang. Bentuk lambung dirancang agar kapal dapat melaju dengan kecepatan yang tinggi, namun dengan tetap memperhatikan kemampuan kru atau kapal untuk beroperasi di laut curam dan pendek yang merupakan karakteristik garis pantai di kepulauan di Indonesia.

Sedangkan bagian bawah garis air telah dioptimalkan untuk dapat mencapai kecepatan jelajah yang cukup jauh. Pajang, posisi melintang dan membujur, serta kemampuan peredaman dari masing-masing lunas telah dirancang secara khusus guna daya tahan terbaik dengan menggunakan analisis slender body dan towing tank. Desain struktural, meskipun masih memerlukan persetujuan dari Germanischer Lloyd di Hamburg Jerman, menggunakan metodologi desain yang dirancang khusus untuk geometri dari sebuah kapal berlunas tiga yang dapat memecah ombak.

Konstruksi kapal ini menawarkan beberapa keunggulan antara lain lebih ringan (karbon fiber yang telah dilaminasi memimiki tingkat kepadatan separuh lebih rendah daripada alumunium) dan efisien dalam biaya perawatan (karbon komposit tidak dapat berkarat dan memiliki batas kelelahan yang tinggi).

Kapal tersebut juga mempunyai kemampuan tidak terdeteksi oleh radar karena bentuk panel yang benar-benar datar yang didapat sebab tidak ada distorsi selama proses perakitan, tingkat keakuratan geometris yang sangat tinggi, tidak mengandung unsur magnet, tingkat deteksi panas,dan suara yang rendah. Untuk tenaga dan sistem propulsi,kapal ini menggunakan beberapa mesin diesel MAN V 12 dan waterjet MJP 550, yang mana terletak di lunas tengah dan juga di masing-masing lunas kiri dan kanan,guna menghasilkan tenaga pendorong yang maksimum dan kemampuan bermanuver yang baik.

“Ruang akomodasi disediakan untuk 29 orang kru kapal pada tiga lantai dek termasuk anjungan kapal dan ruang kendali, juga disediakan fasilitas dan peralatan termasuk kapal rigid inflatable boat sepanjang 11 meter yang dapat dipergunakan untuk penerjunan pasukan khusus,”katanya.

Senin, 04 Maret 2013


Kurama (九喇嘛, Kurama), more commonly known as the Nine-Tails (九尾, Kyūbi), is a tailed beast currently sealed within Naruto Uzumaki of Konohagakure. The fox was first sealed into Mito Uzumaki after the battle at the Valley of the End, then into Kushina Uzumaki after Mito's death.

Kurama (九喇嘛, Kurama), more commonly known as the Nine-Tails (九尾, Kyūbi), is a tailed beast currently sealed within Naruto Uzumaki of Konohagakure. The fox was first sealed into Mito Uzumaki after the battle at the Valley of the End, then into Kushina Uzumaki after Mito's death.



Background Edit

The young tailed beasts with the Sage of the Six Paths.
Kurama first came into being in the waning days of the Sage of the Six Paths, who used his Creation of All Things ability to separate the Ten-Tails' chakra from its body and divide it into nine separate constructs that would come to be known as tailed beasts in order to ensure that it would never resurface after his death.[4][5] Some time after being created, the Sage sat down with all the young tailed beasts and told them that they would always be together even when separated, and that one day they would become one entity again with different names as well as forms than they did then when the time came for them to understand what true power is.[6] Over the centuries, Kurama has gained a reputation as an age-old natural disaster, appearing suddenly out of nowhere to attack areas that have breeding grounds for the darkest aspects of human nature.[7][8]
Kurama Swallows Kinkaku and Ginkaku
Kurama vs. Ginkaku and Kinkaku.
At one point during the time of the formation of the shinobi villages, the Gold and Silver Brothers of Kumogakure were assigned to capture Kurama, but they were both swallowed whole by the fox. However, the two brothers managed to survive and gain some of its power by eating the flesh of its stomach for two weeks, which caused Kurama to regurgitate them.[9][10][11]
Hashirama Senju VS Madara Uchiha
The battle between Madara and Hashirama, with Kurama under Madara's control.
After that event, when Madara Uchiha defected from Konoha, he used his Sharingan to control and use Kurama to help him fight against Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage, to exact his revenge. The battle was so great, it created a vast crater that later became known as the Valley of the End. Despite being in control of Kurama, Madara was defeated and was believed to have died.[12] At some point during the fight, Hashirama was able to restrain Kurama, which allowed his wife, Mito Uzumaki, to seal the fox within herself, becoming its first jinchūriki.[13][14]
For over the period of the first two Shinobi World Wars, Mito kept Kurama at bay except on one event when the seal had begun to weaken as she was going through childbirth.[15] Towards the end of her life, Mito passed on this status and responsibility to another member of her clan, Kushina Uzumaki, who later became the wife of Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage. Although Kushina was terrified with the responsibility of containing Kurama, Mito assured her successor that the fox's hatred was powerless against her love.[16]
Kurama sealed within Kushina
Kurama sealed within Kushina.
Twelve years before the start of the series, after the end of the Third Shinobi World War, the Third Hokage and his wife made preparations to ensure that Kurama would remain sealed within Kushina as she gave birth to Naruto. However, despite keeping her childbirth a secret, Obito Uchiha discovered Kushina's location, killed her escorts and managed to break the seal, seizing control of Kurama.[17] Since Kushina survived the extraction, Obito tried to have Kurama kill her before Minato got her and their son to safety. Soon afterwards, Obito summoned Kurama into Konoha and ordered it to destroy the village.[18]
Konoha's destruction by Kyuubi
Kurama attacks Konoha.
While Kurama was rampaging in the village and decimating the shinobi forces that tried to repel it, Minato managed to place a Contract Seal on Obito during their fight to free the fox from the masked man's control. Despite no longer being in Obito's control, Kurama still harbored a deep hatred for Konoha for viewing it as nothing but a mindless beast and sealing it away for decades and resolved to destroy the village without orders from Obito. Before Kurama could annihilate Konoha, Minato summoned Gamabunta on top of the fox, and later teleported it to Kushina and Naruto's location, while letting its Tailed Beast Ball detonate away from the village. Soon afterwards, Kushina used her chakra chains to subdue Kurama, planning to seal it back inside her before she dies. However, Minato, knowing that Kurama would revive without a host and a threat the masked man still was to the village, came up with a different plan to give Konoha the means to combat him if he should ever attack the village again.[19]
Kurama's initial cage
Kurama within Naruto.
Since Minato himself couldn't fully seal Kurama as it was, he used the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to seal its Yin chakra within the death god and then prepared the Eight Trigrams Seal to imprison the fox, along with its Yang chakra, within Naruto.[20] Kurama realised Minato's intention and attempted to stop the process by killing Naruto while Kushina was weakened, but both the parents sacrificed themselves to protect their newborn child and completed the sealing, with Kurama cursing the pair during its last moments of freedom.[21]
In the anime, it was revealed that Kurama had left behind large amounts of its chakra during the attack. Kazuma collected and sealed the chakra within his own son, Sora, hoping to make use of its power for his own agenda.[22]

Personality Edit

Kurama is a cynical and shrewd individual, along with a somewhat twisted sense of humour. It uses 'washi' (ワシ) when referring to itself, which is generally used by older men. Kurama also has remarkable leadership skills, being able to stay completely composed even when being overwhelmed by the Ten-Tails and effectively tell its new team-mates on how best to handle the mighty tailed beast. Kurama is also shown to be very prideful as when Kakashi told the fox it was acting like a captain, Kurama immediately replied if he had any problems with that.[23] In a flashback, it is revealed that Kurama cares greatly about the Sage of the Six Paths, viewing him with great respect for the way he treated the tailed beasts and even shed tears after the Sage had imparted his final words to them.[6] However, this sentiment was not extended to its brethren, as Gyūki mentioned that they, especially Shukaku, really disliked Kurama for its belief that their strength is determined by their number of tails.[24] Kurama even told Naruto that he should be ashamed for having Gyūki help him in their battle over its chakra.[25]
Kurama had once expressed intense hatred and distrust against humans, mainly due to its long history of both its forced subjugation to the Sharingan and being sealed within the Uzumaki jinchūriki.[26] Because of that, both Kurama and Naruto initially had a very antagonistic relationship throughout most of the series, with Naruto trying to harness the fox's power to perform techniques that would normally be impossible for a ninja of his age, and Kurama seizing any kind of opportunity to gain control over Naruto, provoking his rage and thus allowing its influence within its chakra to consume him.
Naruto and Kurama
The change in dynamics between Naruto and Kurama.
However, their relationship soon began to change during the Fourth Shinobi World War, when Naruto himself told Kurama that he hoped to resolve its hatred someday.[27] Despite the fox reproaching him for making such a claim, it nevertheless showed Kurama that Naruto was different from the humans it had previously encountered, eventually allowing him to utilise the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode without it consuming any more of his chakra. Later, as Naruto told Son Gokū of his desire to save the tailed beasts and become friends with Kurama,[28] the fox — having witnessed all of the challenges and endeavours Naruto had in his life — silently told the young man that if he truly intended to help them, he would have to prove it through his actions.[29] When Naruto successfully freed Son Gokū from Obito's control, Kurama finally became convinced of Naruto's word and offered to meld its chakra with his as a coalition, to which Naruto then removed the seal that restrained it and happily acknowledged the fox as his team-mate from Konoha.[30] Within that short space of time, the two had begun to express trust in one another, even to the point where Naruto would allow Kurama to take control of his body without worry, and switch back without hesitation.[31] Kurama later admitted that it had the utmost faith in Naruto being able to defeat Obito and to carry on the legacy Minato and Jiraiya had left him, which also means that it no longer holds a grudge against Minato for sealing it inside of Naruto.[32] Kurama is also shown to be more caring about its comrades now as it put itself in harms way to save B and Gyūki.

Appearance Edit

Kid Kyuubi
A young Kurama.
Although Kurama is a kitsune with red-orange fur and red eyes, it possesses the upper-body structure of a human, complete with opposable thumbs on its clawed hands. During the last remaining days of the Sage of the Six Paths, Kurama was a young kitsune much smaller than its present-day self, but was still much larger than the Sage.[6] As time passed, Kurama's size increased to be around the same height, if not taller, as the Hokage Monument. Later, despite shrinking a lot after having its Yin chakra sealed, it still remained a massive entity as its claw dwarfed Minato and Kushina. When Naruto separated Kurama from its chakra, its entire physique became visibly emaciated,[33] but it later regained its healthy look after consuming a certain amount of Naruto's chakra while he was using its own.[34]
After having its cage opened by Naruto — who had assumed a new form — this is also reflected on Kurama, when Naruto transforms into it. In this form, the fox's whiskers become much thicker, and circular markings appear on its shoulders, stomach, as well as the front and back of its paws. Lines also run down its spine, arms, legs and tails.[35] Its size was comparable to that of the other tailed beasts, standing a little taller than Gyūki when standing alongside it.

Abilities Edit

Being the strongest of the nine tailed beasts, it is said that Kurama can create tsunamis and flatten mountains with just a single swipe from one of its tails.[36] With its massive supply of chakra, it can create powerful shockwaves that can repel and destroy anything within its radius, increase its physical strength and speed, and fire Tailed Beast Balls. Kurama also has the ability to sense negative emotions,[37] to which Naruto also gained after gaining control of its chakra.[38] In the anime, it was shown to be able to create twisters and breathe fire.[39]
Kurama forming Bijuudama
Even with its chakra taken, Kurama creates a Tailed Beast Ball many times its own size.
Despite losing its Yin chakra, Kurama was more than powerful enough to break through Pain's Chibaku Tensei with brute force,[40] overwhelm Gyūki's attempts to restrain it (although Killer B stated that he didn't have full access to his own powers within Naruto's subconscious), [41] effortlessly block Naruto's Sage Art: Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan with its tails,[42] and — with Gyūki's assistance — fight and defeat five tailed beasts.[35] Naruto also noted that it was extremely fast despite its massive size.[43] In addition, it was shown that even when most of its chakra was taken by Naruto during their battle in his subconscious, Kurama still had enough to create a Tailed Beast Ball as big and powerful as that of a combined ball of five tailed beasts.[33][44] Despite being the strongest of the nine tailed beasts, Kurama acknowledges the fact that it alone doesn't stand a chance against the Ten-Tails.[45]
Kurama is shown to be extremely durable, and can only be stunned by attacks that deal with massive physical impacts (such as Naruto's senjutsu-enhanced Wind Release: Rasenshuriken and Sage Art: Many Ultra-Big Ball Spiralling Serial Spheres).[46][47] Kurama is also very clever, which though was normally put to conniving use in the past, it showed itself to be a master tactician, both of which it was able to put to good use on the battlefield during the Fourth Shinobi World War.[48]

Activity inside Naruto Edit

Main article: Naruto Uzumaki's Jinchūriki FormsAs Kurama's jinchūriki, Naruto is gifted with its enormous supply of chakra, to which Kakashi Hatake estimated it to be a hundred times greater than his own when its influence is not suppressed.[49] Depending on the amount of Kurama's chakra he's using, Naruto is given an increase in strength, speed, and his healing factor are pushed to such levels that he completely recovered from a Chidori through his chest in mere moments with no lingering signs of injury.[50] At times, he is also granted a fox-shaped chakra shroud with massive invulnerability, being able to resist being pierced by Orochimaru's Sword of Kusanagi, a sword known as being able to cut through adamantine, and is completely undamaged by the alkali substance excreted by Saiken, which was able to damage Gyūki and disintegrate its surroundings rapidly. Kurama was also believed to be played a role in enhancing the Uzumaki clan's healing ability that Naruto inherited from his mother.

Part I Edit

Land of Waves Arc Edit

Naruto first made use of the Nine-Tails' chakra during his battle with Haku. Believing Haku to have killed Sasuke, Naruto gave into his anger and entered his initial jinchūriki form in order to defeat Haku.

Chūnin Exam Arc Edit

During the Second Stage of the the Chūnin Exams, the Nine-Tails' chakra emerged again while Naruto battled with a disguised Orochimaru in the Forest of Death. Although Naruto's strength abilities increased, Orochimaru recognised the Nine-Tails' power, and countered it with the Five Elements Seal. The seal blocked Naruto's access to the fox's chakra and rendered him unconscious.
Naruto's first encounter with the Nine-Tails.
Jiraiya, who removed Orochimaru's seal, later explained to Naruto that he possessed two types of chakra. Naruto didn't realise that he was talking about the Nine-Tails until he was taught to take advantage of it. In order to induce Naruto to use the fox's chakra, Jiraiya pushed Naruto off a cliff. In a desperate act to save his own life, Naruto entered his subconscious and met with the Nine-Tails for the first time. The fox expressed immediate desire to kill and devour the boy, but Naruto, even though he knew the power of what he faced, bravely demanded he be given chakra as a form of "rent" for living in his body. Realising that Naruto's death would result in its own, the intrigued Nine-Tails complied, giving Naruto enough chakra to summon Gamabunta.
The Nine-Tails kept quiet until Naruto faced Neji Hyūga in the first match of the final rounds of the Chūnin Exams. After Neji used his Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms technique to block Naruto's chakra points, Naruto called upon the Nine-Tails for assistance. Without hesitating, it gave Naruto enough chakra to force his chakra points open and defeat Neji.

Invasion of Konoha Arc Edit

During Sunagakure and Otogakure's Invasion of Konoha, Naruto and Gamabunta both did a Combination Transformation technique to take the form of a giant fox (the Nine-Tails itself in the anime), to battle against Gaara in his full Shukaku form. As the battle was near to its conclusion, Naruto once again called upon the Nine-Tails for chakra in order to defeat Gaara, and it complied again without hesitation.

Search for Tsunade Arc Edit

While on his search for Tsunade with Jiraiya, Naruto was confronted by Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki of Akatsuki. Naruto tried to use the Nine-Tails' chakra to help him fight against them, but Kisame quickly used his Samehada sword to absorb it all and attempted to cut off Naruto's arms. Luckily, Jiraiya arrived in time to block Kisame's attack with his toad summon and was able to force both Akatsuki members to retreat.
Later, before Naruto defeated Kabuto Yakushi with a completed Rasengan, Kabuto severed Naruto's heart muscles, and his neighbouring chakra system, to which the Nine-Tails was unable to heal its host. While Tsunade desperately tried to save Naruto, the Nine-Tails noticed that its power was fading as its surroundings grew darker and darker. It, like Naruto, had a near death experience, something it was slow to recognise. Fortunately, Naruto and the Nine-Tails were able to survive this encounter through the help of Tsunade and her medical ninjutsu.

Sasuke Retrieval Arc Edit

Kurama image anime
The image of the Nine-Tails appears before Sasuke.
During the first stage of Naruto's battle with Sasuke at the Valley of the End, Sasuke, in his first level of the Cursed Seal of Heaven, pierced a fatal wound in Naruto's right shoulder with his Chidori. Fortunately, the Nine-Tails quickly gave Naruto enough chakra to heal his large wound almost instantly and entered his initial jinchūriki form. However, as the fight continued, Sasuke was able to predict and overcome Naruto's attacks with his then fully matured Sharingan. The Nine-Tails condemned the unconscious Naruto for being too weak and gave him more of its usual chakra to attain the one-tailed form, something the fox indicated that he should be grateful for.

Land of the Sea Arc Edit

In the anime, Naruto fought against Amachi in the Land of the Sea after he discovered that the scientist became a monster by utilising the same research he used on Isaribi. Naruto was overwhelmed by Amachi's power at first, but as his desire to keep Isaribi from becoming a monster grew, the Nine-Tails immediately gave Naruto enough chakra to enter his initial jinchūriki form, and he quickly defeated Amachi.

Part II Edit

Kazekage Rescue Arc Edit

During the conclusion of his battle against the Akatsuki member Deidara, which turned out to be a clay clone, Naruto slipped into his two-tailed form out of anger about Gaara's death. Immediately, Kakashi placed Jiraiya's special seal tag on Naruto's forehead, restoring him back to normal.

Sasuke and Sai Arc Edit

When his three-tailed form was proven insufficient in his fight against Orochimaru, Naruto gave into the Nine-Tails and entered his four-tailed form. The Nine-Tails took control of his senses and began to attack everything that was around him, including both Orochimaru and Sakura Haruno. After its influence was suppressed by Yamato, he told Naruto that he was the cause of Sakura's injury, which greatly shocked Naruto and resolved not to rely on the Nine-Tails' power again.
Kyūbi inside Naruto
The Nine-Tails tempting Naruto.
Soon afterwards, when Naruto encountered Sasuke again for the first time in almost three years, the Nine-Tails began to offer Naruto its chakra, but he firmly rejected its assistance. The fox became contemptuous at Naruto, mocking him that if it wasn't for its power, he would be nothing. It then tempted Naruto to break the seal so it can "grant" him all of its power, but he still refused. However, before their quarrel could escalate any further, Sasuke, with his active Sharingan, suddenly appeared within Naruto's subconscious, which surprised both Naruto and the Nine-Tails. The Nine-Tails became impressed with Sasuke's growth and ability, but as it stated that Sasuke's chakra was similar to Madara Uchiha, Sasuke effortlessly suppressed the fox's residual chakra with his Sharingan. Although angrily shocked by the display of his power, the Nine-Tails concluded that this might be its last meeting with Sasuke, so it warned him not to kill Naruto, because he would only end up regretting it.

Twelve Guardian Ninja Arc Edit

Main article: Twelve Guardian Ninja ArcIn the anime, the Nine-Tails reacted to its leftover chakra that was stored within Sora. When Naruto in his three-tailed form battled Sora in his four-tailed form, the Nine-Tails started to force Naruto to accept its power, but he was able to keep it from taking control of his body as he threatened the fox to back off. The Nine-Tails begrudgingly pulled back, but it soon managed to absorb back all of its chakra from Sora.

Hidan and Kakuzu Arc Edit

During Naruto's nature transformation training, the Nine-Tails' chakra was surfacing within some of his shadow clones that had grown very frustrated with combining the Rasengan with his wind element. Fortunately, Yamato was able to suppress the chakra before it could cause serious damage.

Invasion of Pain Arc Edit

During Naruto's training at Mount Myōboku, the Nine-Tails prevented Fukasaku from fusing with Naruto, making it impossible for him to mould senjutsu chakra for Naruto.
8 tails
Naruto's eight-tailed form breaks through Pain's Chibaku Tensei.
Later, during Naruto's battle with Pain, he slipped into his six-tailed form right after Pain appeared to have killed Hinata Hyūga. Despite the necklace's attempts to suppress it, the Nine-Tails quickly seized the necklace and crushed it. When Naruto was soon contained by Pain's Chibaku Tensei technique, the Nine-Tails tempted Naruto to entrust his heart to it so that it could destroy everything that was causing Naruto pain, thus distorting the seal to the point where the eight-tailed form was released. Before it could convince him to completely remove the seal, the spirit of Minato appeared in Naruto's subconscious and stopped him. Enraged, the Nine-Tails tried to dare Minato to come closer so it could rip him to shreds, but Minato simply ignored it and restored the seal to its original strength.

Chikara Arc Edit

Main article: Chikara ArcIn the anime, as Kabuto Yakushi implanted by accident a swarm of his special snakes into Naruto during his mission at The Hole, the Nine-Tails' attempt to purge the foreign entities only added its chakra into the material they were recreating. When the snakes were vomited out and formed into a Naruto clone, the Nine-Tails willingly allowed him to siphon its chakra from Naruto's body to increase his power. Later, while Naruto was held within Tonika Village's underground hall, the Nine-Tails attempted to control the youth before Dokku's interference snapped Naruto to his senses.

Confining the Jinchūriki Arc Edit

When Naruto was summoned back to Mount Myōboku, the Great Toad Sage gave Naruto Gerotora, along with the key to the seal. From this, Naruto was on a task to find a way to control the Nine-Tails' power, in order to fight a fated battle with Sasuke.
The Nine-Tails vs. Naruto.
Later, at a remote island in the Land of Lightning, after Naruto completed the first step at the Falls of Truth, Killer B then lead Naruto to a special room within the secret temple behind the waterfall, where Naruto would fight the Nine-Tails. When Naruto entered his subconscious, the Nine-Tails expressed surprise as it could no longer sense any hatred within him, and questioned Naruto about where the "real him" was, to which Naruto replied that the real him was right in front of it. After Naruto used the key to completely unlock the seal, the Nine-Tails pushed the cage's doors and fired a Tailed Beast Ball at him, but Killer B used the remaining bit of the Eight-Tails power to contain the attack. While in Sage Mode, Naruto was able to weaken the Nine-Tails with the Wind Release: Rasenshuriken and started to drain out its chakra. However, the Nine-Tails planted its hatred within its drained chakra, and it suddenly began to consume Naruto, making him lose the control and forcing him out of Sage Mode. Just before Naruto was completely succumbed, his mother Kushina Uzumaki appeared, halted his transformation, and used her chakra chains to subdue the Nine-Tails, to which the fox reacted in anger and shock when it recognised her chakra.
Torii seal closed
Naruto reseals the Nine-Tails.
After being comforted by Kushina, Naruto's positive emotions depleted the Nine-Tails' hatred within its drained chakra, and he made a large number of shadow clones, forming multiple Rasengan as they charged at the Nine-Tails. After the Nine-Tails broke most of the chakra chains, Kushina immediately used the last chain that was attached on the fox's leg to make it trip, giving Naruto's shadow clones enough time to enter Sage Mode and bombard it with the Sage Art: Many Ultra-Big Ball Spiralling Serial Spheres. As the Nine-Tails was pushed back from the impact, one of Naruto's shadow clones immediately used the Rasenshuriken to weaken the Nine-Tails further and completely separate it from its chakra. When the chakra merged with Naruto, the enraged the Nine-Tails attempted to fire a much larger Tailed Beast Ball, but its attack was ultimately dissipated as Naruto used a new, stronger seal to imprison the fox once again. As the Nine-Tails disappeared into the darkness, it told Naruto that it would never forget this defeat.

Shinobi World War Arc Edit

While Naruto and Killer B continued their way to the battlefield, the Nine-Tails pulled its jinchūriki into his subconscious, berating him for squandering its chakra. Calling Naruto naive for thinking he could stop the war and bear the hatred by himself, the Nine-Tails tried once again to tempt him with power, but to no avail, earning Naruto some recognition. After the Nine-Tails reminded Naruto about the day he met Sasuke and how he was consumed by hate even then, it claimed that the boy's attempt to put an end to hatred is futile. In retaliation, Naruto pinned the fox down with a torii while exclaiming with great confidence that he already planned on how to stop both Sasuke and the war. As the Nine-Tails recalled Naruto's growth, it then condescendingly complimented him for finally learning how to stand up for himself before being unnerved by the boy's promise to someday resolve the fox's own malice.
Kyubi helps Naruto
The Nine-Tails chooses to help Naruto.
Later, after the reincarnated Madara Uchiha was fighting against one of Naruto's shadow clones and the Fourth Division, he attempted to summon the Nine-Tails. Even though the summoning failed, the fox angrily recognised Madara's chakra calling for it and resolved to lend Naruto its chakra. Naruto at first thought that it was going to attempt to take over his body like it used to, but the Nine-Tails explained that it would rather help Naruto than be manipulated by Madara again. The Nine-Tails then spurred Naruto on as he countered the Uchiha's attack.
As Killer B and the real Naruto were fighting against Tobi and the reincarnated jinchūriki, the Nine-Tails proceeded to feign sleep while it purposely stopped consuming Naruto's chakra, deciding to let the young man fight on his own against the Four-Tails. The Eight-Tails tried to convince the Nine-Tails to continue its much needed support, but the fox replied that it would not cooperate with its jinchūriki as easily as the Eight-Tails does. As the Nine-Tails remembered the words that Madara, Hashirama, Mito, and Kushina had said to it in the past, the fox concluded that no matter how the humans said it, it would always come down to the same thing, with the exception of Naruto, a thought which silenced it. The Nine-Tails quietly watched on as Naruto was speaking with Son Gokū, only expressing annoyance when its name was revealed to Naruto.
Naruto Kurama
Kurama and Naruto team up.
While thinking back on the events in Naruto's life and watching the proceeds, Kurama silently noted that Naruto of all people should know that no matter what he said to the tailed beasts, his true intentions would only reach them through his own actions. After Naruto successfully removed Tobi's control over Son Gokū, Kurama silently celebrated the small victory and offered to lend him more of its chakra. Before accepting however, Naruto thanked Kurama for its help during his encounter with Madara, to which the fox rebuffed him before offering to meld their chakra together. Accepting this proposal, Naruto opened the seal's gate that held Kurama back and acknowledged it as his team-mate from Konoha. As a result, Kurama enabled Naruto to enter a new form, in order to stop the other tailed beasts that were bearing down on Might Guy and Kakashi.
Naruto transforms into Kurama
Kurama and Naruto vs. the other tailed beasts.
However, as this was their first time transforming into this mode, Kurama warned Naruto that they only had five minutes. They first started by grabbing Chōmei in mid-flight to pile-drive it into Isobu, but it rolled out of the way to counterattack after Saiken quickly swallowed Kurama's hand prior to Gyūki joining the fray. When Matatabi attempted to pounce on Naruto and Kurama from behind, they fiercely swung Saiken right into the monster cat, throwing the two away from a distance. As the other tailed beasts gathered and performed a collaborative Tailed Beast Ball, Naruto and Kurama performed one of their own and cancelled the attack. Right after that, Naruto entered a deeper level of Kurama's subconscious, where he meets the other five tailed beasts and their jinchūriki, to which Kurama explained that this was somewhere not even Tobi could enter. As it remembered the Sage of the Six Paths, Kurama asked its brethren if they too believed that Naruto was the one the Sage had spoken of so long ago, to which they agreed before being resealed into the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path.
While they were fighting against the Demonic Statue, Tobi summoned both the Benihisago and the Kohaku no Jōhei which contained the reincarnated Gold and Silver Brothers, who possessed a portion of Kurama's chakra. Right after the masked man made the giant statue devour them, Kurama, who had sensed its own chakra signature within those two items, requested Naruto to switch with it so it could explain the situation to the others, as well as about the Ten-Tails and what its revival would mean. Kurama also echoed Kakashi's words that something needed to be done before the Ten-Tails' revival was completed, afterwhich, on Naruto's request, Kurama switched back with him. Kurama was later seen smiling when Naruto opposed Tobi's ideals and told him that he was who he was today because he had heroes to look up to and to show him the way. After a brief fight, Tobi tried to instil doubt into Naruto by telling him what would Jiraiya and Minato say if he ended up neglecting the legacy they left him. Kurama, recalling what Minato said to Naruto during his battle with Nagato, requested Naruto to switch again and directly told Tobi that Naruto would never follow his ideals and that Minato sealed it into Naruto so that he could defeat Tobi. After melding their chakra together once more, Naruto entered his Tailed Beast Mode and Naruto began his assault on Tobi after being assured by Kurama that he would not fail.
Naruto battling madara's dragon
Kurama and Naruto battle against Madara's wooden dragon.
As the battle raged on with Madara suddenly entering the fray, the reincarnated Uchiha summoned Hashirama's giant wooden dragon in order to restrain Naruto. While Naruto instantly manifested Kurama's body to fight against it, the wooden dragon eventually managed to bind Naruto and started draining Kurama's chakra, forcing his tailed beast form to falter. However, Naruto was able to quickly escape from its coils before it could absorb any more of Kurama's chakra and created a shadow clone to protect Kakashi from Obito. When Kurama noticed that Kakashi was low on chakra, it told Naruto to switch places with it, and, through Naruto's body, tossed Kakashi at Obito, who used Kamui to absorb him into the other dimension. Despite Naruto initially berating it for what it did, Kurama assured him that he could now fight without worry. Naruto attacked Obito again and phased through him, but surprisingly Obito coughed up blood. Kurama revealed that it transferred some of its chakra to Kakashi, allowing him to attack Obito in the other world and come back to the real world with Kamui. Elsewhere, the original Naruto entered the full Tailed Beast Mode to create a giant Tailed Beast Ball with B and Gyūki and fired it at the Demonic Statue. This was all done in vain however, as after the resulting explosion, the Ten-Tails had been revived.
While Naruto noted that he could not sense anything from it, Kurama explained that the Ten-Tails was void of thought and feelings, and was more akin to a natural force of energy. As Kurama began restoring Kakashi and Guy's respective chakra, the Ten-Tails attacked, quickly overwhelming it and Gyūki before they could finish devising a strategy. Kurama and Gyūki then quickly fired a barrage of Tailed Beast Balls at the Ten-Tails, who easily deflected them with a single blast of its own. Kurama and Naruto were able to withstand the attack (losing six of its tails in exchange) and threw Kakashi and Naruto's Sage Mode shadow clone above the Ten-Tails, where Kakashi teleported Gyūki who prepared to launch a Tailed Beast Ball from the beast's blind-spot. After the Ten-Tails flicked the attack right back at Gyūki, Kurama was able to rescue Gyūki and Killer B before the Tailed Beast Mode was deactivated. With this, Kurama noted to Naruto that it needed time to generate more chakra.
Later echoing Hinata Hyūga's sentiments that Naruto's life was not his own, the fox reminded him that it was also here and that his parents had also died in a similar manner to protect him. After the words finally get through to the young man, Naruto once again entered Tailed Beast Mode, and with Kurama's instruction, created shadow clones to distribute its chakra to the other remaining shinobi to help empower their respective abilities. Kurama then silently praised Naruto for his chakra distribution abilities as well as surpassing Minato and Kushina.